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Search Results for: stakeholders


Anyone with that has a legal, financial or social interest in a company such as shareholders, managers, suppliers, directors, government, employees and the community. Refer to direct stakeholders and indirect stakeholders.

How to Change an LLC Address

Changing your LLC’s address might seem like a daunting task, but it’s a necessary step when your business relocates. Whether you’re moving to a new office space or simply updating your mailing

Nepotism, Cronyism, & Favoritism: Illegal Or Unethical?

Nepotism in its simplest form is showing favoritism towards relatives. On the other hand, the less commonly thrown around (yet more commonly occurring) cronyism, is showing favoritism towards friends, associates, or colleagues.

How To Sue A Company

There are many reasons why someone may want to sue a company, whether that is for a breach of contract, an injury, or another wrongdoing on the business’ behalf. The people that


The tracking and reporting of exposures to risk to external stakeholders. Refer to risk identification, risk management, and risk quantification.


A firms formal take on corporate goals, activities, and stakeholders expectations regarding risk activities. Refer to risk tolerance.


Pre-launch gathering of stakeholders and prime movers of a program or project. Agenda is strategy, direction, roles, goals, and objectives.


Computerized management of all enterprise resource planning. Integrated, multi-module software system expedites identifying and planning the resource needs of an enterprise. ERP is accounting oriented. Provides a single user-interface for the entire


The broad area dealing with the way in which a company behaves towards, and conducts business with, its internal and external STAKEHOLDERS, including employees, investors, creditors, customers, and regulators. In certain national


The concept and action of ensuring that a corporate organization exists in perpetuity, providing returns and benefits for multiple generations of internal and external STAKEHOLDERS. Sustainability generally demands close ties and cooperation


Involving key players and stakeholders in organizational change to minimize resistance.


Ongoing recurring activities involved in the running of a business for the purpose of producing value for the stakeholders.