A system’s state where its intended functions are being performed without degradation or being impaired by other changes or disruptions to its environments.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
A system’s state where its intended functions are being performed without degradation or being impaired by other changes or disruptions to its environments.
When a computer file is not changed or deleted and is stored the same way since starting.
As occasionally used in statutes prescribing the qualifications of public officers, trustees, etc., this term means soundness of moral principle and character, as shown by one person dealing with others in the
One of the mains goals of the U.S. legal system is to treat everyone with fairness and equality. Unfortunately, several factors can impact this goal, resulting in a less-than-fair situation. One of
Are you the victim of an assault? Maybe you know someone who is, or you’ve witnessed one take place. Either way, an assault is a serious offense in the eyes of the
Process where the technical integrity of the process, product or system in maintained and monitored.
A software for data encryption that makes sure that messages sent over the internet comply with the integrity, privacy and security laws. Encryption and Decryption are the equivalent of two physical keys
A tool which is designed to verify whether the password entered in to a computer is valid or not. It does, however, have integrity flaws, and hence, the passwords can be stolen
This is a computing system in which time-sensitive data related to a transaction is processed immediately. Data must always be kept current. This is usually found in online banking, control of inventories,
Ratio calculated as the pressure or stress on a substance versus the ability to resist or strain to maintain integrity. Longitudinal stress to strain, is Young’s modulus. Fractional decrease in the volume
A boundary object is a concept in sociology to describe information used in different ways by different communities. They are plastic, interpreted differently across communities but with enough immutable content to maintain
Identifies {an} organization’s exposure to internal and external threats and synthesizes hard and soft assets to provide effective prevention and recovery for the organization, whilst maintaining competitive advantage and value system integrity.
Certification in a subject. It ensures integrity of an agency and is awarded to organizations as well.
An approbious epithet, Implying rascality, villainy, or a waut of honor or integrity. In slander, this word Is not actionable per se. 2 Bouv. Inst. 2250.
Beyond the reach of personal influence or control. Parties are said to deal “at arm’s length” when each stands upon the strict letter of his rights, and conducts the business in a
A principal act. or event being the object of investigation, the circumstances are the related or accessory facts or occurrences which attend upon it. which closely precede or follow it, which surround
In criminal law. The receiving or offering any undue reward by or to any person whomsoever, whose ordinary profession or business relates to the administration of public justice, in order to influence
In Spanish law. The right to the enjoyment of certain aggregate property, left with the condition thereon imposed that they are to pass in their integrity, perpetually, successively to the eldest son.
A member of the human body. In the phrase “life and limb,” the latter term appears to denote bodily integrity in general; but in the definition of “mayhem” it refers only to
Lat. In Roman law. Testimony delivered in court concerning an accused person’s good behavior and integrity of life. It resembled the practice which prevails in our trials of calling persons to speak