A party that gets an instrument with knowledge that it is not properly negotiated. Refer to holder in good faith.
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A party that gets an instrument with knowledge that it is not properly negotiated. Refer to holder in good faith.
The opposite of “good faith,” generally implying or involving actual or constructive fraud, or a design to mislead or deceive another, or a neglect or refusal to fuliill some duty or some
A party that buys an instrument with no knowledge of defect. Refer to holder in bad faith.
1. Confidence; credit; rellanca Thus, an act may be said to be done “on thefaith” of certain representations.2. Relief; credence; trust. Thus, the constitution provides that “full faith and credit”shall be given
a Latin phrase for in bad faith.
term that is used for the defence that is presented in bad faith or that is obviously false.
Lat. Faith; honesty; confidence ; trust; veracity ; honor. Occurring In thephrases “bona fides,” (good faith,) “mala fides,” (bad faith,) and “uberrima fides,” (theutmost or most abundant good faith.)Fides est obligatio conscientiae
A false or fictitious defense, interposed in bad faith, and manifestly untrue, insufficient, or irrelevant on its face.