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Search Results for: adherence


In Scotch law. The name of a form of action by which the mutual obligation of marriage may be enforced by either party. Bell. It corresponds to the English action for the

Best Registered Agent in Virginia

Starting a business in Virginia requires careful planning and adherence to legal requirements. One essential step is appointing a registered agent to handle official communications and legal documents on behalf of your

Best Registered Agent in Arkansas

Starting a business in Arkansas requires careful planning and adherence to legal requirements. One essential step is appointing a registered agent for your company. A registered agent serves as your official point

Nepotism, Cronyism, & Favoritism: Illegal Or Unethical?

Nepotism in its simplest form is showing favoritism towards relatives. On the other hand, the less commonly thrown around (yet more commonly occurring) cronyism, is showing favoritism towards friends, associates, or colleagues.


the term that describes the strict adherence to the law.


In English ecclesiastical law. Adherence to the doctrines and usages of the Church of England.


Violation or nonob- servance of established rules and practices. The want of adherence to some prescribed rule or mode of proceeding; consisting either in omitting to do something that is necessary for


Adherence to law. Faithfulness to one’s prince or sovereign or to the existing government. Luhricum linguae non facile traken- dum est in poenain. Cro. Car. 117.A slip of the tongue ought not