How Does A House Arrest Ankle Bracelet Work?
Socialite and reality television star Paris Hilton is no stranger to making scandalous news headlines, but she truly outdid herself in 2007. While serving a term of probation for driving under the
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
Socialite and reality television star Paris Hilton is no stranger to making scandalous news headlines, but she truly outdid herself in 2007. While serving a term of probation for driving under the
Elements such as cobalt, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium occurring in very small amounts, often less than 1 to 10 parts per million, necessary for a living organisms growth, health and development.
1. Accounting. Ability of tracking a piece of financial information in recorded data or with an audit trail. 2. Cost accounting. Ability of assigning a direct cost to an activity based on
Expense assigned to an activity or cost object based on cause and effect relationships.
Inquiry that is started to trace a piece of information back to the document it originated from, or to find a shipments that is lost or delayed.
Cost that cannot be assigned to any task or function due to the lack of sufficient data for its assignment. As such, it assigned on an arbitary basis.
Additional time scheduled or allocated to complete a task, such as complying with a regulation, meeting an obligation, or obtaining an agreement.
Loan agreement point that a borrower cam skip installments if the borrower prepaid some of the loan. The skipped installments can not exceed the amount prepaid.
Analyis for levels at the percents between low and high in a price range.
This word is commonly used in contradistinction to “right.” Thus, in St. 22Edw. III., the lord chancellor was instructed to take cognizance of matters of grace,being such subjects of equity jurisdiction as
Time of indulgence granted to an acceptor or maker for the paymentof his bill of exchange or note. It was originally a gratuitous favor, (hence thename,) but custom has rendered it a
Ignominy; shame; dishonor. No witness is required to disgrace himself. 13 How. State Tr. 17, 334.
A person guilty of the offense of embracery, (g. v.) See Co. Litt 369.
In criminal law. This offense consists in the attempt to influence a jurycorruptly to one side or the other, by promises, persuasions, entreaties, entertainments,douceurs, and the like. The person guilty of it
In old English law. The track or trace of a felon, by which he was pursued with the hue and cry; a foot-step, hoof- print, or wheel-track. Bract, fols. llii, 1216.
A tribe, people, or nation, belonging or supposed to belong to the same stock or lineage. “Race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Const U. S., Am. XV.
An artificial canal dug in the earth; a channel cut in the ground. Wilder v. De Coil. 26 Minn. 17, 1 N. W. 48. The channel for the current that drives a
A term applied to any permission or license granted to a party in the course of a judicial proceeding which is not claimable as a matter of course or of right, but
A number of days allowed, as a matter of favor or grace, to a person who has to perform some act, or make some payment, after the time originally limited for the