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SUNT MINORIS CULPE Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

Quae ad nmm fj~nem loquuta rant, non debent ad alium detorqneri. 4 Coke, 14. Those words which are spoken to one end ought not to be perverted to another. Quae coherent personae a persona se- parari nequennt. Things which cohere to, or are closely connected with, the person, cannot he separated from the person. Jenk. Cent. p. 28, case 53. Quae communi lege derogant stricte interpretantur. [Statutes] which derogate from the common law are strictly interpreted. Jenk. Cent. p. 221, case 72. Quae contra rationem juris introdncta sunt, non debent trabi in consequen- tiam. 12 Coke, 75. Things introduced contrary to the reason of law ought not to be drawn into a precedent. Quae dnbitationis cansa tollendae in- seruntur communem legem non laedunt. Co. Litt. 205. Things which are Inserted for the purpose of removing doubt hurt not the common law. Qnae dnbitationis tollendae cansa con- tractibus inseruntur, jus commune non laedunt. Particular clauses inserted in agreements to avoid doubts and ambiguity do not prejudice the general law. Dig. 50, 17, 81.


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