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STRANGERS Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

By this term is intended third persons generally. Thus the persons bound by a fiue are parties, privies, and strangers; tlie parties are either the cogni- zors or cognizees; the privies are such as are in any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation; tlie stran- gers are all other persons in the world, except only the parties and privies. In its general legal signification the term is opposed to the word “privy.” Those who are in no way parties to a covenant, nor bound by it, are also said to be strangers to the covenant- Blown. See Bobbins v. Chicago, 4 Wall. 072, 18 L. Ed. 427; O’lXmuell v. Mclntyre, 118 X. Y. 150, 23 N. E. 455; Bennett v. Chandler, 199 ill. 97, 04 X. E. 1052; Kirk v. Morris, 40 Ala. 228; U. S. v. Uenderloug (C. C.) 102 Fed. 2.


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