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NETHER HOUSE Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

Nemo punitur sine injuria, facto, seu defalta. No one is punished unless for some wrong, act, or default. 2 Inst. 287. Nemo qui condemnare potest, ab- solvere non potest. No one who may condemn is unable to acquit. Dig. 50, 17, 37. Nemo sibi esse judex vel suis jus dicere debet. No oue ought to be his own judge, or the tribunal in his own affairs. Broom, Max. 116, 121. See L. R. 1 C. P. 722, 747. Nemo sine actione experitur, et hoc non sine breve sive libello conventional!. No one goes to law without an action, aud no one can bring an action without a writ or bill. Bract, fol. 112. Nemo tenetur ad impossibile. No one Is bound to an impossibility. Jenk. Cent 7; Broom, Max. 244. Nemo tenetur armare adversarium contra se. Wing. Max. 665. No one is bound to arm his adversary against himself. Nemo tenetur divinare. No man is bound to divine, or to have foreknowledge of, a future event 10 Coke, 55a. Nemo tenetur edere instrumenta contra se. No man Is bound to produce writings against himself. A rule of the Roman law, adhered to in criminal prosecutions, but departed from in civil questions. Bell. Nemo tenetnr informare qui nescit, sed quisquis scire quod informat. Branch, Princ. No one is bound to give information about things he is ignorant of, but every one is bound to know that which he gives information about Nemo tenetur jurare in suam turpl- tudinem. No one is bound to swear to the fact of his own criminality; no one can be forced to give his own oath in evidence of his guilt Bell; Halk. 100. Nemo tenetnr prodere seipsum. No one is bound to betray himself. In other words, no one can be compelled to criminate himself. Broom, Max. 968. Nemo tenetnr seipsum accusare. Wing. Max. 486. No one is bound to accuse him- self. Nemo tenetnr scipsnm infortnniis et pericnlis exponere. No one is bound to expose himself to misfortunes and dangers. Co. Litt. 2536. Nemo unqnam judicet in se. No one can ever be a judge in his own cause. Nemo unqnam vir magnni fuit, sine aliquo divino afflatu. No one was ever a great man without some divine inspiration. Cicero. Nemo videtur fraudare eos qui sciunt et consentinnt. No one seems [is supposed] to defraud those who know and assent [to his acts.] Dig. 50, 17, 145.


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