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HEMIPLEGIA Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

In medical jurisprudence. Unilateral paralysis; paralysis of one side ofthe body, commonly due to a lesion in the brain, but sometimes originating from tliespinal cord, as in “Brown-Sequard’s paralysis,” unilateral paralysis with crossed anesthesia.In the cerebral form, the hemiplegia is sometimes “alternate” or crossed, thatis, occurring on the opposite side of the body from the initial lesion.If the disease conies on rapidly or suddenly, it is called “quick” hemiplegia; if slowlyor gradually, “chronic.” The former variety is more apt to affect the mental facultiesthan the latter; but, where hemiplegia is complete, the operations of the mind aregenerally much impaired. See Baughman v. Baughman, 32 Kan. 538, 4 Pac. 1003.


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